固体の高次高調波発生 / High Harmonic Generation in Solids


High harmonic generation (HHG) is a phenomenon where light with a frequency several to several tens of times the excitation frequency is generated. In conventional nonlinear optics, electric polarization oscillation of a bound electron produces a few order harmonics, but in the strong-field HHG, a bound electron gets apart from its parent ion and accelerated by the driver field, and then the acquired kinetic energy is converted to the photon energy of high harmonic components. Conventionally, HHG had been observed only in gas. However, the first report of HHG in “solids” in 2011 opened a new paradigm in strong-field nonlinear optics. An excitation mechanism (electron-hole pair generation by Zener tunneling, intra-band current accompanying electron / hole acceleration, inter-band recombination) has been proposed as the origin of solid HHG. Solid HHGs are promising for efficient attosecond pulse generation in extreme ultraviolet region and for band structure reconstruction. We study the correlation between the band structure and the HHG properties [1] and develop a scheme of solid HHGs using nano-scaled plasmonically enhanced electric field (see INFRARED PLASMONICS) [2].

  1. 梶智博, 今坂光太郎, 篠原康, 金島圭佑, 石井順久, 板谷治郎, 石川顕一, 芦原聡, 「固体結晶GaSeにおける深紫外域の高次高調波発生 (II)」、『第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会』、19a-B301-5、早稲田大学、2018年3月
  2. K. Imasaka, T. Kaji, T. Shimura, and S. Ashihara, “Antenna-enhanced high harmonic generation in a wide-bandgap semiconductor ZnO,” Opt. Exp. 26, 21364—21374 (2018).