Publication Broadband dispersion spectroscopy using interferometric phase modulation under background light suppression 広帯域分散分光法に関する論文がOptics Express誌に掲載されました.“Broadband dispersion spectroscopy using interferometric phase modulation under b... 2023.08.10 Publication
Publication All-Solid-State Optical-Field-Sensitive Detector for Sub-Nanojoule Pulses Using Metal–Insulator Hybrid Nanostructure 下記の論文がACS Photonics誌に掲載されました.“All-Solid-State Optical-Field-Sensitive Detector for Sub-Nanojoule Pulses Using Metal–Insu... 2023.05.12 Publication
Publication Ultrafast infrared plasmonics advances vibrational spectroscopy Photonics Reviewに下記の解説記事が掲載されました. Ikki Morichika, Satoshi AshiharaUltrafast infrared plasmonics advances vibrational spe... 2023.01.04 Publication
Publication Mode-locked laser oscillation with spectral peaks at molecular rovibrational transition lines 下記の論文がOptics Letters誌に掲載されました.“Mode-locked laser oscillation with spectral peaks at molecular rovibrational transition l... 2022.11.17 Publication
Publication Broadband background-free vibrational spectroscopy using a mode-locked Cr:ZnS laser バックグラウンドフリー振動分光法に関する論文がOptics Express誌に掲載されました.“Broadband background-free vibrational spectroscopy using a mode-locked C... 2022.10.06 Publication
Publication High harmonic generation from GaSe in a deep-UV range well above the bandgap 固体結晶を用いた高次高調波発生に関する論文がOptics Continuum誌に掲載され,Editor’s Pickに選ばれました.“High harmonic generation from GaSe in a deep-UV range... 2022.05.12 Publication